And we care why? There are so many threads that say that clans cheat then show names and stuff that I dont care no more.
Anyway no one wants you to vote on their server. Thats why its THEIR server. Voting can screw your server up so that you have to restart it manually by bringing it down and rebooting it.
Haha you fucking no0b that would be my server! First off I run Delator on my server and don't allow forced models. Yes i have some really good members who practice very hard. Just because you came and got owned that don't mean we cheat asshole! I don't go to work 40 hours a week and freeze my ass off building houses just to pay for a server to cheat on! Btw ------->
I think we don't understand each other. I'm playing in SOD clan and I don't know what you talk about. CHEATING ?? What the fuck. Are you crazy ??? I'm a fair player and I want proove of what you're sayiing.
I have carefully investigated this server and I must conclude that there is no cheating on the part of this clan.
The "cheating" can however be attributed to modded weapons (I think Garand is weaker, PPSh is stronger, Russian rifleman has less nades, etc.) however these mods even out in the big scheme of things so you can't call this cheating.
I did not witness any playing that can be described as superhuman, nothing I couldn't do if I chose to use MGs like they did. (I only used rifles and the PPSh)