Alliedassault.comAwesome site1 but there ARE VIRUS INSTALLER -
03-02-2003, 01:16 PM
Hi guys. Allied is an awesome site.. and Im sure many people (myself included) appreciate the free service you provide the moh community.. As an admin myself of a free site I know you guys put in alot of work.. KUDOS..
What is a SERIOUS shame is ALLIEDASSAULT.COM is trying to install VIRUSES on the people that visit it.. Namely GATOR software trys to install itself.. Gator "while it's lawyers have scammed in court to call it an adware" is in reality a VIRUS.. probably more distructive then many kidie script viruses in reality.. as it hijacks bandwith and can self heal..
Allied assault is also tryign to insall some othe spyware crap like "weatherreport" which are bad but none as bad as gator which is an outright Virus..
I realize allied assault gets its revenue/or rather bandwith from ad agreements with host but I am giving you a heads up . your provider is using VERY unscruoupoulous "virus" type installers..
just wanted to give you guysa heads up.. Thanks for the awesome work on content thouh!
Never once has this website given my firewall nor AV signs of a virus. This site is clean!
For two, if it tries to install GATOR on your computer, its because you once had GATOR on it, and its still there and wanting to install UPDATES. Gator does popup's, Ive never seen it as a virus.
Make sure you get your facts straight before claiming such.
just go [url=]here ([/url:9155a] and download/install Ad-aware.. It will remove all that crap for you.
sorry.. forgot to finish my original post.. Thank you Nstuff..
first off.. the gator install is not becuase I once had gator installed.. it can come up to any persons computer clean or not in the form a popop that tries to install it..
Second.. Im trying to give you guys a heads up no need for flames.. its not to fun when gator grabs hold of your coputer and hijacks your bandwith.. and Gator is not OFICIALY called a virus because it uses pop up but it is by all accounts a virus..]
Third. lavasoft as Nstuff posted is what will clean it NOT any regular virus scan software.. Seeing how allied assualt popups tryto install spyware its good to know about it.. either a popop blocker or run adaware periodically..
Fourth I know someone has to pay the bills.. I run my own site for MOH with my own out of pocket costs so understand .. just giving a heads up on a nast lil side effect that goes with the turf..