Yes I need a skin and tiki and shader. You guys can fight all you want but I am putting some effort into making this bot. I have his attributes all planned.
He will be a very precise shot.
He will run when threatened to find another vantage point.
He will wait for the right position
He will know every corner of the map and where to hide along with the other bots.
His health will be very high almost like a boss.
He will escape at ANY means to make sure he finishes his mark.
Sounds great - how far are you with it or r u still waiting for a skin - I wonder if youre making a koenig skin as well you could use with the vasily bot?
Alright this is what I am doing and I am sure I am gonna get ripped off by someone here but I'm making a TDM small destroyed town with Both sniners injcluding Vassili as the leaders and they have 1000 health. The objective is to find the opposing teams leader i.e. Vassili being one of them for the allies, and kill him. I am making the Vassili bot very deadly and dangerous. He will be a sneaky little bastard. Infact what I have done right now is programmed into a werhmact nco right now and he is indanely hard to beat. I made him feel danger at less then 100 feet so he is off and running at any sign of danger. He repositions at sniper nodes and continues to wait for the right shot.
I do not have a skin yet I am working on programming the bots. I might just end up rpograming him into iron tusk's single player campaign.
This bot sounds great.
Here is Vassili's real life scope (if you didnt know, its the same one from the movie, too). You can use it if you want, if you dont, i will understand, cause its your bot.[img][/img]
biggrin: this will be awsome...
I have gotten info pathnodes down and I am working on variations of the leash and notice scales, added with deleting out his "feeling to help a comrad" which makes him a solo man that looks for his shot. he will be set to always player seek, as in never let his gaurd down. I got the "flee and take cover" thing down I'm making him deadly with a rifle and long range sight. If anyone had any suggestions or ideas about Vassili tactics please post them.
I need an skb animation, skb., a shader, tiki, and the targas. I have the programing right.
Oh... and the scope is cool. Can't do too much with that without affecting peoples games. Looks like the stock axis one anyway which is cool.