Ok guys, its done, I need testers...
Total new pak size is 24.6 megs
it will replace the old one
Email me at
or come to #alliedassault on irc.enterthegame.com
PS. Yea, the tiger tank has been fixed, you can now destroy it with 1 rocket no problems, AI has been beefed up at the nebelcannons, so they can now defend better.
Mg42's are still not working correctly, no way around this at this point in time, though, most of the mg42 gunners will defend themselves now if need be.
Added weather effects
Added new models:
Us Army Medic
Us Army Assault vest (player can use it now)
Us D-day ranger (green slackjawed yokal)
Canadian_ceskins (personal canadian ranger model for me

Canadian_scott (personal canadian ranger model for scott )
As soon as we give it a good run thru, then we can release it
Anyone and everyone, if you can host it, come to the irc channel so you can grab it.
[This message has been edited by ceskins (edited January 08, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by ceskins (edited January 08, 2002).]