hi i need some help every time i try and play moh it bloody crash's it has only started doing this recently i play the game for about 10 mins and it will come up with a error message saying: MOHAA HAS CORSED A ERROR IN MOHAA.EXE: the it will go back to desk top i have downloaded all the lastest drivers for my hardware and my hardware has been tested for falts as well as this i have formated my drive reinstalled windows and moh with the us/uk 1.11 patch and it still crash's here is my system spec.
Athlon 700 cpu
512 mb srd ram
Gf mx 4600
30 g hard drive
me 2000.
reinstall and try playing 1.0 then gradually work ur way back to 1.11. If that dont work format C: i know its a pain but at least u can play. also maybe your latest driver has something conflicting with open GL or if u got Dx 9 i dunno sorry