It depends on the individual. There are pros and cons to being in a clan.:
A steady cadre to play with
Usually, a dedicated server to play on.
If you're in a "bad" clan, you can be blacklisted by association.
Obligated to play whether or not you wish to.
Internal politics
These are just a few examples. You'll have to decide for yourself which environment is to your liking. Myself, I prefer to freelance, so I do not join clans. biggrin:
Clans have to have internal polotics? Ha. I love my clan (co-founder) and we have little internal politics and NO external politics. Screw everyone. They can't beat us so screw em.
I also believe being in a clan is awsome. cool: You get to play with people you know, it's fun, it's competitive, and sometimes you get money(from tourneys and stuff).
Also (depending on the clan) you get a cool name, hehe.
ALSO, you get alot of cool friends that will stick up for you and stuff.
For all the people that haven't been in a clan yet, TRY. For the people that don't like clans, either make your own or join another one cause they weren't treating u right. eatthis:
Well i blieve being in a clan is AWSOME. But thats my opinion.
Clans have to have internal polotics? Ha. I love my clan (co-founder) and we have little internal politics and NO external politics. Screw everyone. They can't beat us so screw em.
Well, give yourself a big pat on the back. biggrin:
i usually play games with a friend of mine but i dont think joining a clan for a fps would be fun because it takes the fun out of the game by making it too competative. ex: sometimes i only use a pistol and see how many kills i can get bashing an shooting
i usually play games with a friend of mine but i dont think joining a clan for a fps would be fun because it takes the fun out of the game by making it too competative. ex: sometimes i only use a pistol and see how many kills i can get bashing an shooting