I decided the skull was too gay and unrealistic, so I decided to remove it and now I think I'm making a BoB/101st Airborne skin pack with pvt,cpl,sgt,lietenant, and capt. Here it is so far...
Nope, I didnt rip shit from guarnere on this one...I decided is wasnt going to use the "base" of his helmet and people were making sucha big deal about it so I just made the the custom helmet myself this time.
Nope, I didnt rip shit from guarnere on this one...I decided is wasnt going to use the "base" of his helmet and people were making sucha big deal about it so I just made the the custom helmet myself this time.
BALLS u fucking liar, go away toenail i thought u said u quit, now piss off.
Nope, I delete the one I editted from guarnere's helmet and made a new one from scratch. And if you dont believe me, ill send you my tga and you compare.
Ur welcome I will continue to skin this pack tommorrow. BTW, just to make sure, is your AIM SN: JAKE34515 or is that wrong, because you werent on the WHOLE time. Ok, ttyt, I have to goto sleep too g'night....