takes a long time? or am i stupid? -
03-05-2003, 09:55 PM
ok i know i'm gonna sound like a complete noob oOo: who has no idea what he is talking about and thats probably because i am. Ok this is the problem.
I am trying to make a skin for moh:aa. I have got all the relevant files and have opened the skin Wehrmact_tunic into paintshop pro. Ok this is where my problem lies. It seems as though i have to add everything by hand including shading and texturing etc. to the skin. Well i was thinking that this would take bloody ages to do, is there something i'm missing that will allow me to make the skins faster or a tip for shading etc..
I am not a very patient person so if i had to do everything down to the smallest details by hand i would proably throw my computer out of my window and jump out of my window onto it. Therefore if you have any idea what this crazy man is on about please help.
im no good with player skins, but I can tell you from my experience with just about every other type of mod, that it will look better in the end if you do in fact take your time and do it peice by peice.
Guarnere has a program which speeds up tiks and shader making. If i remember he said he was making a better one. Ask him about its releasing.
Skinners must in most of the cases edit .tiks and .shaders. Just copy the tik your model is using and the correct parts from the shader into your own ones.