if im gay how come in gettin head right now from my gf katie? hmm? i think ur the gay one cuz u keep calling me gay but in fact u r the gay one.
i think u need to go see a counselor or somethin cuz u got some issues dude. i feel for ya man. g'luck!
er, ok.......that "Katie" is one hot chick you got there!
Anyway, back to the topic, i saw an article in "Maximum PC" about using liquid to cool PC's and a guy did convert his small fridge to do just that. I don't remember which mag# it was in but check out their site. Heck, just order the mag...one of the best !!
uh nah that isnt her..if ur too stupid to realize is where i got that and no it isnt katie so stfu b4 i come over there and kick your sorry ass n00b
uh nah that isnt her..if ur too stupid to realize is where i got that and no it isnt katie so stfu b4 i come over there and kick your sorry ass n00b
Katie is a blow-up doll.
How else do you explain a 12 year old getting head? Probably his dad's too.