well, thats the news, Laxplaya quit teamgod. and dropped the cheats. so did Neveah, and c00k13 m0nst3r(Justin). neveah and justin still cheat. but lax playa does not.
ATI's Drivers are for what i have read arnt that good Catlyst Drivers they put out are few in between to fix certain things. NIVIDIA has put out thier Drivers more constant to whats going with thier VID's. Thats not to say that
ATI hasnt made a Nastier Card then NVIDIA right now its up to the person to do the resetrach to see whats good for the $$$$$$$$$ you have to spend to play a game that will knock your socks off when you look at the
ATI's Drivers are for what i have read arnt that good Catlyst Drivers they put out are few in between to fix certain things. NIVIDIA has put out thier Drivers more constant to whats going with thier VID's. Thats not to say that
ATI hasnt made a Nastier Card then NVIDIA right now its up to the person to do the resetrach to see whats good for the $$$$$$$$$ you have to spend to play a game that will knock your socks off when you look at the
well, thats the news, Laxplaya quit teamgod. and dropped the cheats. so did Neveah, and c00k13 m0nst3r(Justin). neveah and justin still cheat. but lax playa does not.
DUDE, Strik0r and that other fag with the gay ass avatar. STFU. if u dont care, then dont post. asswipes. dont be smart. I was just posting sumthin i thought was interesting, obviously if u didnt care, u wouldnt have clicked this thread link anyways. fuckin immature kids these days.
DUDE, Strik0r and that other fag with the gay ass avatar. STFU. if u dont care, then dont post. asswipes. dont be smart. I was just posting sumthin i thought was interesting, obviously if u didnt care, u wouldnt have clicked this thread link anyways. fuckin immature kids these days.
Hahaha thats funny cuz Laxplaya was on our server last weekend cheatin his ass off. He was following the walls the entire time. He used binoculars thru the walls.....uhmmm...yes binoculars. rofl