i havent heard from you in a few days, you must be working yourself to death on that skin pack, lol. when you get a chance let me know how far you are with it. thanks.
Yes, I have been skinning some of the pack but right now I'm beginning to skin weapons again. Here's the BAR I thought you'd might like:
PS: There's something called PMhehe just a reminder...
I already have your BAR skin along with like 5 others but none of them work, i think its because i have a weapon skin pack and the BAR's wont work with it.
I already have your BAR skin along with like 5 others but none of them work, i think its because i have a weapon skin pack and the BAR's wont work with it.
Open up the pak and check to see if there are 2 texture files in there. One should be a .tga and the other should be a .dss.
Wep skins wont work with texture compression on unless the skinners place a .dds texture of the skin in the pak too, its a common problem. Why everyone doesnt just put a .dds file in there so it works for everyone confuses me :|
WTF?no way i am walker lol whered you get that idea simo?lol...and walker, yes the my BAR skin doesnt work because you have a another weapon skin in your main folder. You have to delete falpo's skin pack and my skin should work fine...Note: The Ultra realistic BAR is not the same as the Toe-BAR You should really download the toebar when I am done with it...It will be finished soon...
Another thing..I am working on a great Shotgun skin currently....