Help!!! my blood mod don't show up on ground -
03-06-2003, 02:31 PM
Hey i was just wondering if any1 else has had theis problem. the blood comes off of the person when hit but never shows up on the ground no matter what blood mod i try( i have tried many) if some1 can help me i would really appreciate this. thanks biggrin:
I made a blood and smoke-grenade mods.
Both mods are in .pk3 files.
Blood mode is for MOHHA and SPEARHEAD game(script and texture editing) for SINGLE AND MULTIPLAYERS game.
Blood on any place(wall-barel-ground) and on any distance view.
Remain on 7 sec then dissapear.
Smoke-Grenade mod gives 6 smokes and 6 grenades (allies and axis)only for SPEARHEAD MULTIPLAYER game(no textures editing only script)
If someone interesting .... i'll download both files
I'm looking for a site to download 412 skins original with real decoration(WWII) both allies and axis (1280x1024 res).
All the uniforms of A.Hitler Gering Himler Romel (with their faces) MOVIE STARS FROM ENEMY AT THE GATES etc
Special Thermo Optical Fantastic skins for more playing.....
These are only 240mb
Sounds-weapons skins and logo screens from RYAN MOVIE (60MB)
I'm looking for a site to download 412 skins original with real decoration(WWII) both allies and axis (1280x1024 res).
All the uniforms of A.Hitler Gering Himler Romel (with their faces) MOVIE STARS FROM ENEMY AT THE GATES etc
Special Thermo Optical Fantastic skins for more playing.....
These are only 240mb
Sounds-weapons skins and logo screens from RYAN MOVIE (60MB)
I'm looking for a site to download 412 skins original with real decoration(WWII) both allies and axis (1280x1024 res).
All the uniforms of A.Hitler Gering Himler Romel (with their faces) MOVIE STARS FROM ENEMY AT THE GATES etc
Special Thermo Optical Fantastic skins for more playing.....
These are only 240mb
Sounds-weapons skins and logo screens from RYAN MOVIE (60MB)