question about router again -
03-06-2003, 01:54 PM
ok i think my last post to the forum was not clear, now that i have the router set up for my dedicated server i have found a new problem, i have other people on my lan and they want to connect to other's server's, (they can connect to my server) but they can not connect to server's out side off the lan on the web.
depending on how you have setup your server behind your firewall, will determine if any of your other clients can connect to the same game type, if at all
If you forward all the required ports to MOH then any info returning via that port from another game server ( your clients are trying to reach ) will be sent to the wrong computer.
Remember you only have one IP address to the real world. all MOH server info be it a client trying to connect to your server or a server trying to feed info back to one of your clients. Is returning back to the same port.
I think your trying to get more out of your router then it is capable of.
a couple of things to remember.
make sure your clients are connecting to the other servers one at a time.
make sure your router has the latest firmware.
you may want to contact your routers manufacture and ask them if this is possible with the model you own
side note, are your clients able to get out to the web? or make any other type of internet connection?
good luck