Or go to a place and check your Broadband Speed. http://www.broadband.com
is a place to check to see if your system is running the way it should.
Thier are Speed Tests& Tweaks that are thier that can help you gert the
most of your Connection.By the way whats your OS and also whats your
Connection DSL, Cable??. Please post this so that way we can help you
Theres people in the map when i'm having the fps problems. I've been told
it could be my video card, but i'm going to http://www.broadband.com to check if
i'm getting everything out of my connection set up. I'm broadband (cable modem). The problem is greater when its the more detailed maps. Could
it be my video card?
Thanks for the replies. I currently have a Geforce 2MX/MX400.
Can you suggest a better card in the mid price range? I really
don't think i need something like an ATi 9700, although i'd surely
except 1 if given to me.
ok i know in das boot my fps will drop like 10 it casue the peorson who made them map didnt do something to it, all computers will do this not just yours
I remember someone on PMOH forum pointed out in detail how large maps were very slow because the Q3 engine wasn't designed for huge maps, and that was why spearhead/custom maps which are huge lag a lot more than others which might be only 75% the size.
Joe i think the man said he has Cable modem so that would mean he has
Cable Broad band.And yes what OS do you currently use that may also be
a problem.
I have a system that is higher than the original recommended specs of the game some custom maps still lower my fps to unacceptable levels.
Does your system suffer on any of the stock maps? Bridge/Crossroads perhaps?
If it doesn't then it's just the custom maps being poorly designed, or deliberately designed for high end spec machines. If you're willing to dish out money just so you can play on these particular maps then go right ahead.
But no way will just upgrading your gfx card do the trick.
I used to have a Voodoo3 16mb and a Duron 700Mghz setup with 384mb pc133 ram. MoH stock maps mostly ran 20-30 fps except for the bigger ones that ran as low as 10 fps.
So, I upgraded my gfx card to a gf3 ti200 64mb DDR and my performance, whilst a little better, did not increase by any significant level.
Not too long ago I upgraded my CPU to an Athlon XP 2000+ (1.67ghz), 512 DDR ram and I still have the same gfx card.
MoH now runs smooth as anything, even on the worst maps.
Except, as I said, on some large or badly designed custom maps.
It's up to you.
I'd rather not play these maps. There are lots of custom maps out there tha run smoothly on mid-range pcs. But if you want to run them smoothly you'll more than likely have to upgrade your whole system so every component is of a similar level of architecture.
Voodoo 3's suck soo much ass. I have an ATI Radeon 8500LE 128 meg DDR. Its only 107 from http://www.crucial.com I have no problems on my PC. I custom built mine.
AMD Athlon XP 21000+
512 Megs DDR Ram at 333
80 gig HDD Maxtor 5400 RPM
48x CDR
400 watt power supply
SBL sound card
ECS K7lvta mbo.
Never had a problem on my system with the game. I have Win XP PRO Corperate with SP1.