Nice little game to play as you watch the movie.
Find the Senators in Gods and Generals:
There is
West Virginia Senator Robert "KKK" Byrd
Senator Phil Gramm
Senator George Allen
Sorry guys, haven't had time to post since I saw the movie. I liked it, can't wait for DVD "extras", but it's not for everyone. I, too, thought the monologues were a little long a times. I understand that the point was to try and emulate the book by making these guys "human" and not just historical figures but at times it was a little much. (ie - The long poem by Chamberlain).
I was impressed by the attention to historical detail (note the Confederate soldiers wearing US belt buckles upside down! - Jackson falling of the stretcher! etc) As for having too much praying, etc. by Jackson - not possible! What was portrayed is the watered down version. His beliefs were so strong that he would stop in the middle of a battle, raise his hand to God and pray for several minutes. He was always found in his tent on his knees in prayer. It might not make for an exciting movie but it is accurate.