Location: Silently Stalking You! Did you See That? No, it must Be a Ghost!
03-11-2003, 11:37 AM
That's why you don't see him around much. He got tired of all the BS posts around here. Capt Wilkens we also have our own server for SH and BF1942.
the BF1942 is still a work inprogress but the SH server is top notch.
With the chaps like Bunny and Scrotum keeping the boards stocked with entertaining posts, and Deleto and ToeNail making some really quality skins and mods, this old girl might still have some kick left in her yet biggrin:
With the chaps like Bunny and Scrotum keeping the boards stocked with entertaining posts, and Deleto and ToeNail making some really quality skins and mods, this old girl might still have some kick left in her yet biggrin:
Faith is overrated, I've been here for a year and a half wishing and hoping for MOHAA to be more of an enjoyable game rather than a travesty. Personally, I hope this place shuts down soon. I can focus more on the vet forum and movv.com instead of wasting my time typing this shit out to you prats. It's these moronic 13-15 year old kids that ruin it for all.