you need to becarfull of the programes they have kicked people when they are not useing any hacks at all. just to let you know. and some hacks/cheats like aim-bots arnt even real.
Ive tried a few on my server and I would have to lean towards Counter Intelligence.
I was running Delator and Autokick side by side originally, but CI has replaced both, its not confusing, comes with great documentation, and even allows a few remote connections to the main prog for other admins to monitor the server.
I recently found the best option with CI was the dumpuser problem fixed with the integration of MAM to allow clients with spaces in their names to be replaced by an _ to allow the dumpuser commend.
This prog has more options then you will ever need.
none of the anticheat programs really work they only catch the dumb cheaters, Not one of this programs detect the opengl cheats nor do they detect the modifed stock skins there isnt anything the cheaters have not cracked so they still can cheat and if you look for proof of them cheating you wont be able to find it, because they have worked around all of these programs even forced screen shots dont work all they do is hit a key and poof their SS shows as clean. Here are the cheats i know of that they have hacked so you cant detect it
glowing stock skins they show up as the real stock skins
forced SS they all ready have a hack to stop you from forcing a SS they then take a safe SS to send to you
wall hacks are now opengl cheats no program detects them
no fog is now a opengl cheat you cant detect it
no bushs is now a opengl cheat u cant detect it
not one anti cheat program detects this cheats none of them do they have made hacks to fool every1 of these programs
see the cheats that you want to stop arnt going to stop even if there was a program that could detect the opengl cheats they would just come up with a new way of hideing the cheats and the hole thing starts again. the best way to fight cheaters is if you know for a fact that there cheating you just ban the IP from you server
I wish we could get something like cheating death for mohaa I played halflife mods for years and cheating death owns cheat coders like OGC, Joolz,Flautz and ltfx guy. Anyone here who knows anything about halflife cheats would know that these guys make mohaa script kiddies look like a joke