Ranger, why do you constantly ask for new sigs. Lots of the people who provide sigs for you have a life and don't worry about small non-existent pictures on an internet forum. They just like pleasing people, and I must say they are doing a great job of that. STOP ASKING FOR DIFFERENT SIGS EVERY FIVE MINUTES! TRY MAKIN YER OWN YOU BUTTn00B!
hey bloodranger, i made you a sig. It took me all of 2 minutes and i tried to make it as crappy as i possibly could. You arent even deserving of this sig, but since youve been so insistent.......
Oh well.. I saw the request at the top of the page and just replied I didnt bother to read any of the stuff in between. Not like Imma take the picture down though, he never did ne thing to me lol.
Dont mind my brother, hes 11 years old, he's still very much imature and annoying. Just ignore him he has already asked for approximetely 19 sig request. He should learn how to make sigs himself if he wants them so bad...Anyways, sigs arent anything, thery're just pictures that have your name on it..I don't know why he wants to change it every week.. oOo:
Anyways bloodranger do anything on this forum but request sigs and stop requesting sigs in that other forum you goto! Get one you like, keep it...