The 2.15 patch for Medal Of Honor Allied Assault: Spearhead is now out and ready to be downloaded. You must have the 2.11 patch before upgrading to this one (2.15). Below is a list of mirrors:
So, make sure all of you download this file right away to patch up the problems with Spearhead (including hacking)!
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Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead by EA Pacific - retail v2.11 -> v2.15
- missing windows32_frame_broken texture replaced
- Bad player popping through fence textures
- HUD remains on the screen during TOW win animations
- Visible crosshair during in-game cut scene
- Hangar Door switches only animate the first time they are used
- The captain may never give the signal to continue on 1.2
- Using the portable MG-42 and trapping someone in it
- MG42 and switching to next weapon
- Using the mortar, have a teammate stand in front of it and fire, user gets
blown backwards
- No collision on foot stool in first house of 1.2
- Able to clip into cabinet when crouched in 1.2
- No HUD message when picking up sniper rifle
- Servers running the game will have a large negative ping value sometimes
- SV_Pure 1 doesn't work on a listen server
- Map Hole near stairs and Tank in Brest
- Hole in the mountains in Flughafen
- Credits updated to reflect changes from legal
- Italian text error
- Italian: Wrong objective
- German: Weapon Name display
- Inadequate button in difficulty select
- German: inadequate mp kill message
- TOW Berlin - Allies victory movie shows surviving Nazis.
- Player is not harmed by fire around destroyed 88s.
- Next/prev weapon broken
- Captain's text has an incorrect comma
- LT Italian untranslated text in Load/Save screen
- Nebelwerfer audio audible all over the map
- Sound effect for T34 main gun
- AI problems shooting downed soldiers
- Players can call vote with negative numbers
- Gamespy DOS attack patched
- German: Map authenticy in 3.1
- Fixed server restarting issues when 32-bit values wrapped
- Fixed unlimited ammo gameplay issues
- you can no longer call a vote when dead
- The "butt scoot" should no longer be in the game
- Infostring length exceeded errors from some TOW servers should no longer
- Vstr nextmap aliasing now functions properly
- Fixed certain rifles not audibly firing in lagged situations
- Removed cg_smoothclients as defaulting to on
- Various map hole fixes
- Terrain crash bug fixed
- Many localization problems resolved