Originally Posted by RUNGSI
I didnt think it was that good.
All the animations are weak.
The models are below average for todays standards.
The explosions and sounds are really cheap.
I am not 99% sure the LAW was not used in vietnam.
Also they have a nightvision scope for sniper rifle.
That I know was not in Vietnam.
if you thought MOH/AA you ran slow.. its slower in this game.
I mean what do you expect from a low budget INFOGRAMES game.
I will say this. The menu system is very nice and easy to understand.
Vietcong is far better in every aspect.
Man how are u soo wrong in about everything you just posted.
Vietcong? LOL Movement cant get any stiffer in a game.
Yes the LAW was used and The STARLIGHT scope was as well.
The reason for a running slower is better graphics. None of that vegitation that looks like a pop-up from a book like in some Mohaa maps.
Try GOOGLE next time before you post. Remember theres no EDIT anymore.
Low budget cause they didnt spend money on CD keys and servers to check these either. One of the best low budget shooters out there is Serious Sam for its time. Didnt use the Quake or Unreal engine and still put out great graphics.