Ya, welcome to the god-mode mulitplayer cheat. Read some of the other threads here and you'll see more details. 2015 is working on a fix.
I was on a server earlier and ran into an Allied guy who was also in God mode. What's even better is that some players can instead give themselves back health, meaning it's hard to tell if they are cheating unless you watch their stats while playing.
you were on the 12th RL server right?
I was there too.
When he was Axis mea nad loads of other guys put something like 300 rounds into his head and he wouldn't die! We were all getting so annoyed and then he said we were cheating! He even said he was from 2015!
lol...I helped Rebel play-test this and you cannot use ANY cheats.....I HIGHLY suggest all dedicated servers get this and install it......and we wil see the "cheaters" start to disappear....
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Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division
Hey everyone.. I was just wondering what was the deal with these people in the games that are invincible...i was just in a CPR and some guy with no name..his name was nothing at all....there was nothin there. anyways he was an allie and nobody could kill him we watched people walk up and shoot him then he just sits there and kills em all....it was stupid people where getting pissed and left but i stayed..he wouldnt talk to anyone.. I was just wondering whats the deal with that... I hella hate people who are ruining an awsome game like this just so they can win a match..... Thanks for your time everyone