01-11-2002, 05:50 AM
Captain Coleman, we used the Lee Enfield rifle. The Ross Rifle was used in WW1 and brought in by the leader of the Canadian militia, Sam Hughes, the Ross Rifle was netorious for jamming in the heat of battle but in competetion it was good for sharp shooting since it wasn`t heated fire. As for hte other weapons Canadians used, we used the Bren Gun (our light machine gun), and the British Sten gun (sub machine gun). Also, Captain Canuck, you seem to be wrong, or misinformed. We were no longer "sucking on the Queens teet". We actually began to break off from Britain in WW1 when we began commanding our own troops (with Canadian commanders). Also, there was the Chanak Affair in 1921 (or 23?) where Britain wanted us to send troops to Chanak and fight and we refused to help them. Also, we signed the Halibut Fish Treaty with the Americans, until then, we hadn`t signed any treaties on our own, it was always done thourgh British diplomats. I suggest you remove Canuck from your name, you seem misinformed about Canada, for a patriot.