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MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

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Goresk is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 03:46 AM

Christ! those spamming CS troll boys get everywhere these days - I've just read the review of MoH:AA in Pc Zone its NOW the BEST Fps[ Toppled HL off its pedestal] oh shit that means L33t speaking ,Aimbot using shitheads with bad complexions&teenage sweat stench[to all uk gamers the "smell" u get when u go into EB!] we're doooommmmeeedddd!

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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 03:56 AM

It is amazing how ignorant so many people are.

'What atrocities did the Japanese do?' How about invading the Phillipines and raping every woman they could?

Japanese and Italians were not Nazis, but were Axis powers. Nazi party was dominant political party in Germany. That doesn't mean all Germans were Nazis or even all soldiers were Nazis. Similarly, in Afghanistan, dominant political party was Taliban. Does that mean all the soldiers were instantly Taliban? That's like saying all U.S. soldiers are now Republicans because George W. Bush is a Republican.

BTW, the problem with games like this is not that there is much risk that the players are going to join the Nazi party, but that they very well may develop violent tendencies. I.e. after playing this game for a couple of months, if someone gives you an attitude, gets in your face, tries to steal from you, or in some other way presents a minor threat, will you be more likely to handle it violently? I'll bet you will. And this could be dangerous for you. When a mugger asks for your money, the safest course is to hand it over.
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Malarkey is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 04:17 AM

Americans can only carry guns due o it written into the constitution from the American Revolution when all 'freedom loving americans can carry guns' i dont know the exact words. its not because of america is so much better its just an act passed hundreads of years ago top get more men to the continental army and militia to fight the brits. by the way that great hollywood film depicting all the 'redcoats' as evil villains murdering children and destroying famillys. im talking about the patriot cant they tell it how it was. soory to bring that up but while i was talking about the american revolution i might as well have said that.

i agree with you ever said about calling the enemy Nazis and bad things like that... i had several relatives in the war. some of them who survived said how much they respoected the whermact... not himmlers ss and killing squads but the german equivelent to the American army, the yanks have the 101st the germans have the 5th Fallshirmjagers the brits had the 8th army the germans the Africa Korps.also i dont think Erwin Rommel was a Nazi, plotting against Hitler, he was a soldier which alot of the rascist air heads around here wouldnt have the guts to do.

i like most here play this game and others because of an interest in milatary history if someone carrys on a war which ended 57 years ago by calling German citizens Nazis and even people playing as Axis that is a disgrace to men who thought to end the damn war, i lost several relatives in all kinds of theaters, Africa, atlantic sea and france.
whi says that soem of you people have the right to fight as the Americans all you are doing is dis honouring them. I know Great German people, my uncles and grand parents who were there, fighting and being killed by the germans had respect for the enemy, just play the game and have fun... take all of this hatred of the Nazis out of the game, i dont like them but the Army was doing its job. If i hear one more comment about the Nazis in the game or on this forum then you are singal dis honouring fine men who died for you.

end it now.

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Sandman is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 04:18 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FuBarGrn:
well the Japanese were on the germans side...what atrocities did they do???


Yeah you're right. They only systematically wiped out the city of Nanking by rounding up thousands at a time and machine gunning them. They also tore into 7 year old girls vaginas with bayonets in order to create a larger entry for rape.

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Default 01-10-2002, 04:24 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sandman:
Yeah you're right. They only systematically wiped out the city of Nanking by rounding up thousands at a time and machine gunning them. They also tore into 7 year old girls vaginas with bayonets in order to create a larger entry for rape.


they also did many bad things to captured soldiers. many things I feel to sick to mention.


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Malarkey is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 04:45 AM

you are all correct with things like that but this is when facts escape people and scapegoats arrive.

When Japan became a massive power in the 20s and 30s they ran out of resources, the country of manchuria was invaded by the japanese army to get more resources. the japanese were allready being appressed by america and britain.... acts where passed saying 3 japanese shipscan be made for every 5 of americas and 5 of britains.

The growing rift between china and japan was made worst when americaa supplied china with arms and cut of trade with japan. The emperor of japan wanted peace but the army was a renegade army who was commanded by its generals not the emperor and the people of japan.

the japanese ARMY nopt japanese PEOPLE invaded china, so america gave more and more to china. America was blocking off the paciffic which the japanese wanted to expand into, this was criticised to by all saying that the japanese where greedy... who said that america deseved pearl harbour, wake island the phillipines, midway and more.

it got to a point when the japanese navy had only one way of taking more of the pacific... destroying the american pacific fleet. i wont tell all about the build up to pearl harbour beacuse you should know it... anyway americas pacific fleet lost alot of destroyers and battleships and arounmd 300 aircraft but not the aircraft carriers which where on a trainning mission thing. anyway britain lost singapore due to japanese invasion and bad things happend to the indians , gurkhas, canadian, new zealand, australian and british troops staioned there.
The JAPANESE ARMY did these bad things not the Japanese back in japan. anyway the brave marines which they where did a campaign of island hopping taking back ht welost paciffic with heavy casulties whilst at the same time the commonwealth where fighting in burma.....( shock horror yes it wasnt just the marines who beat the japanese, yes john wayne the hero who got himself drafted out of the army to pursue his acting carrer as a hero whilst people like robert mithchum, james stewart ( who volunteered as a bomber pilot) and Richard Todd who parachute with the 6th airborne at normandy.

anyway my point is thatnot all the japanese did bad things like not all the germans did, im not condoing the actions by the japanese army but you must remember that its not all that are bad.. and that not only thr great america which i do like won the war, by my count they enterd in 1941 not posting troops into europe until 1942 where as the british commonwealth, france, greece, norway, belgium,holland and alot more in from 1939.
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Freakaloin is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:00 AM

hmm, in america(and i'm sure most other places), there's nothing wrong with saying jew or nazi. nothing at all <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by b0n0:
Does the word racist come to mind... is it ok for me to start using the "J" and "N" words in here? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Freakaloin is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:04 AM

weren't the ppl in the japanese military "japanese ppl"? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Malarkey:

The JAPANESE ARMY did these bad things not the Japanese back in japan.

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Predjee is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:10 AM

american and freedom ? come on, you cant even smoke some weed without getting arrested
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Goresk is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:21 AM

I'm saying this so not to give the "Anti-gaming press" bullets to fire, instead of Saying "NAZI" say "AXIS" or "GERMAN" this is a game about warefare NOT political beliefs- this to demonizes Germans who FFS should not be victimized, this war ended 60 years- Political ideas such as these are-"Ancient History" and so is "Communisn" which under Stalin was Worse Than Hitlers Reign which in turn as Sadly Stigmatized Germans even to this Day And before people say i,m pro-Nazi I can say i hate people with these beliefs and also Communists,Anarchists, all 3 of these SO called beliefs whom practice a policy of hate and intolerance as i have said before this is not a game of politics but of a conflict which all of us are interested in and i,m one of these people who HATES to be called a Nazi for playing on the Axis side[I also play Yanks Esp. on CPR Severs] in other posts i,ve said that i would play any nation in this war- and yes to the USA the nations you have Forgottern the whole of Europe suffered and SO did Germany. please don't insult them by calling them nazis is'nt it better just to say Axis or the "Enemy" dont give the peoplepress who want to ban games like this for gods sake dont give them words they want to hear!

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Freakaloin is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:27 AM

how bout u stop saying nazi, and the ppl (like me) who want to say nazi will continue to do so.

live and let live flap jack...
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JOkeR is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:27 AM

who cares? Shutup!
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Freakaloin is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:27 AM

i smoke it all the time. in public...ppl don't seem to mind. u always believe what the media tells u? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Predjee:
american and freedom ? come on, you cant even smoke some weed without getting arrested<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Predjee is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:28 AM

be fair, can u smoke a big spliff in front of a police man
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Freakaloin is Offline
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Default 01-10-2002, 07:31 AM

btw, in america, games don't get banned. it's called freedom...
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