I'm gonna call em Nazis and I don't give a damn.
Whether or not they knew it, all German soldiers fought under the command of
fucked up people who tried to exterminate an entire race of people and attempted world domination. Had they been given the chance, they would have NUKED the U.S. without thinking twice about it.
Any German soldier who fought for them was only helping them get closer and closer to accomplishing their diabolical schemes, therefore I refer to all of these Krauts as Nazis, regardless of whether or not they actually were sticking Jews into ovens.
Either way, they prolonged this process for as long as they could, thus making them supporters of Nazis, whether it was directly or indirectly.
You'll have to forgive me if I don't naively ignore every request to "stop saying NAZI." And if you won't, then
deal with it...the same way I deal with the fact that my great grandparents were cremated alive.
You don't know
when to shut up, you don't know
HOW to shut up.
I'm 'gonner shoot you in your big goddamn mouth.