What are we saying when we say 'GOLD'? I thought 'GOLD' was when a particular game has come to the end of its self life, the company that made it adds some tweaks and slaps 'Gold' on its title to attract some poor twit who didn't buy it the first time around to buy it the second. Am I far off?
Or are we using it in terms of the game going into production and no more changes can be made.
I don't think we can have a knife in the game because there is no blood, but I guess someone can make a mod.
If you're so good at being a lesbian, then why do you turn me on? -Steve Carell(The Daily Show)
What would be "cool" is if when you put away your weapon, you should be able to left punch with the left button, and right punch with the right button.
Its kinda strange that you cant use your buttstock on your rifle/s to knock someone down when the axis can do that (sp demo).
But maybe that will be included in the full release of the game.
As you guys said before, it would be nice to have a knife in the game. When not used for cutting ugly holes in axis uniforms you could use it to open cans of food, pick your teeth, carve on wood and other creative things..