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Default 03-20-2003, 10:55 PM

Well atleast their relatives can feel a little better after Bush said he "appreciates their sacrafice" oOo:
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Default 03-20-2003, 10:55 PM

they the 3id is running into old t-72s from the gulf war. thats pretty crazy, like going through a graveyard.
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Default 03-20-2003, 10:57 PM

my post is gone
Re: lies i tell you, lies
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Default Re: lies i tell you, lies - 03-20-2003, 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by jdogsmooooth
The news channels in my opinion are biased anyways, gloriflying the war. I'm not saying i'm unpatriotic it's just that i don't like how we seem to use propaganda to exploit others and make us look better, personally i though this country had some class. I don't bother to listen to the bullshitters at cnn for any form of war coverage because like in desert storm the military intentionally mis informed the news in order to fool or trick the enemy which could be the the way remind me who the REAL enemy is anyways.

I was brought up watching the Vietnam unfold before my eyes every evening at 5:30 on the CBS evening news. I saw American men dying for no reason. I saw villages destoryed by napalm. I saw veterans come home in shame, and if a vet came home and said the war was wrong, he was spat on by veterans of both the Korean war and WWII(My father quit the VFW because of their treatment of the Viet Nam Vets).

What do I see to day, I see a media that is showing off the might of Amerrica in all its glory much like the Nazis and the old Soviet Union did. I see media with all the retired generals, colonels, shoe shines, sitting build up all these wondeful scenerios about how this unit will this this "smart " bomb will do that.

What I don't see is mention of the 500.000 Iraqi childern that WE have already killed, or the fact that the can't even fix their water treatment plants because of Our Sanctoins

Sure Saddam is a tryant and an evil man who put him in power who supplied him with the technolgy for WMDs who turned the eyes the other way why he gassed the Kurds. Are we really any better than him.
Why do the Kurds fear Turkey more than Saddam, who really cares?

Finally I do pray that our troops stay out of harms way, and when they come home they are embraced and loved, because they cannot be held responsible for follow the orders of a man that would use lies and deceptions to start an unjust war.

I know that some of you are going to call me unpatrotic , a pussy, or watever. But I have news for you I am an AMERICAN, and I will use my FREEDOM OF SPEECH(until Ashcroft gets his way) to disagree with MY government when I think they are WRONG?

Sorry my wife had one of the cable propaganda channels on when I got home. oops I meany news.
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Default 03-21-2003, 12:35 AM

couldnt have said it better low spark
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Default 03-21-2003, 12:45 AM

It is kinda sad that they take any critizism of americas actions and the way the media portrays this kind of stuff as being like an enemy of the country.

"You are either with us or against us"

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Default 03-21-2003, 12:48 AM

i dont buy into any of that shit. 911 has an even worse effect on people, if you try and represent a different view you should be publicly hanged
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Default 03-21-2003, 12:52 AM

if i have freedom of speech, i think im gunna go find Mr bush and say "fuck you bitch"

hmm, wonder what they would do.... i always wanted to try that
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Default 03-21-2003, 01:44 AM

how can this war be unjust? by killing sadamn we are helping them.
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Default 03-21-2003, 03:05 AM

does anyone else find it strange that we can view war on tv ?
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Default 03-21-2003, 03:35 AM

If there is gonna be another terrorist attack lets hope its CNN.
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Default 03-21-2003, 05:25 AM

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Default 03-21-2003, 06:49 AM

Low Spark, I do believe you are the only anti-war American on this website. It's a shame, really.

Sad thing is you will be called exactly that by your own countrymen (countrykids?) but I'm sure, by your words, that you have the temerity to ignore it for what it is.

Is it a coincidence that most Americans are pro-war and yet the vast majority of the allied world aren't?

It's a strange state of afairs.

You're right about progaganda news spreads, though.

You should see the crap that the most popular tabloid here in the UK spouts every day about the MOAB and how powerful the British and American forces are and how they will squash the iraqi resistance.

They also harp on about how the British troops worst fear is friendly fire from the Americans.

It's so much drivel it's cloying.
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Default 03-21-2003, 07:16 AM

Wow. Some of you guys are realling buying into this oppositional stuff agains the US. It's like you guys are paranoid: "Oh, this must be bad, look what the US is doing!"

"Iraq can't have water because of the sanctions."

And the Kurds can't have freedom because of Saddam; the people are killed, and more could with the WMDs that Saddam possesses

Also, I am positive that getting the Iraqi people some clean water will be one of the first things that we do after Saddam is taken from power. You make it seem as if we are purposefully trying to make the Iraqi people suffer, but it is quite the contrary, we are trying to free them.

I was listening to the radio just the other day and they had an Iraqi man who had emigrated to America. He said he was extremely happy and that he had fulfilled the dream of many Iraqis back home and that the rest of his family was dying to come over to get away from Saddam. He says that liberation is what the Iraqi people dream of. And this guy was soooooo happy, and he was a pizza delivery man. Shows how much better our country is than Iraq, if a guy can be happier than ever as a pizza man, because he has freedom and liberty.
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Default 03-21-2003, 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by newbieassulted
if i have freedom of speech, i think im gunna go find Mr bush and say "fuck you bitch"

hmm, wonder what they would do.... i always wanted to try that
I think the secret service would exercise their right to, hold you, interogate you and possible perform a body cavity search. But dont let me talk you out of it, give it a try. ed:
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