Could some-one send me the files(tiks, shader etc) for any skin, you I can change it graphicaly, and then could some-one sort it out for me so its usable plz?
Obviously he can't dumbass or he wouldnt be asking.
Are you really that stupid that you need to ask that question or do you just feel so inferior that you need to make comments like that to make yourself feel superior?
Asgath: I think you would be much better off reading some of the tutorials on this and other sites and learning to do it yourself. If you can do the graphical changes you have the hardest part conquered already.
see its people like you and him who need to depend on other people to do your shit for you learn how to do it and stop asking people no one cares what you want figure it out on your own how do you think other people learned how to do it FIGURE IT OUT
So either you designed this game hence you have needed no help in modding it or you have never modded this game because in order for you to mod it you would have to turn to someone or someones tutorial for help and in your opinion needing help is for losers.
Thank you for proving that I was are a dumbass.
BTW, If infact your M1 DOES do your talking I have to wonder how the hell you got it up your ass because thats certainly what your talking out of.
BTW, its damN with an N or do you really think that water flows through this forum creating electricity?
Sorry, just to ease that confused look on your face, yes that is what dams are for little billy they arent just there to hold back water from the little towns below. <--- This is what sarcasm looks like when typed.
Is it really fair of me to have a battle of wits with someone that is unarmed?
(btw I have read the tuts)
Dude give me a break, I'm only 13!
I'm only good with GFX,
the main reason I'm asking is because I cant find certain file's through Pakscape
I go to Texture/Model/Human/Faces, and no files...
So if some-one could just e-mail me the files, or through MSN, it would help me, or if they could help me were I'm stuck...
see its people like you and him who need to depend on other people to do your shit for you learn how to do it and stop asking people no one cares what you want figure it out on your own how do you think other people learned how to do it FIGURE IT OUT
Just to be clear Asgath, that wasnt me telling you to do it yourself cause I dont want to help. I cant help because all I do is mapping not skinning so I wouldnt know where to start.
BTW, dont worry about DocRoe, I made others here more than aware of what kind of guy he is. Not 4 hours after he came down on you was he asking others for help himself which I pointed out in a couple of other threads and made him look quite foolish. cool:
hahahah doc is getting BURNED like the panzy ass he really is biggrin:
wtf do you think forums are for doc its for pople posting for either help or to advertize there new m/m/s. all of us are usually willing to help people if we are not currently busy with our own mod or with life.............. and doc you are registered here on the forums annoy (however ya spell it) others?
[quote="[AWITS]O. Dahue-Manatee":4633a]Just to be clear Asgath, that wasnt me telling you to do it yourself cause I dont want to help. I cant help because all I do is mapping not skinning so I wouldnt know where to start.
BTW, dont worry about DocRoe, I made others here more than aware of what kind of guy he is. Not 4 hours after he came down on you was he asking others for help himself which I pointed out in a couple of other threads and made him look quite foolish. cool:[/quote:4633a]
hahah Ii already knew he was a fool we had him on our clan and i was even making him a personal doc roe player skin but then he left.......he could have left peacefully but he decided to spread gay rumors around about us that we had to make a name change if i were you walker (leader of docs current clan) kick him out
Doc, stfu. If I recall you were the one askin how to do shit not too long ago. now what if we all hadda done you like your doing this guy. well maybe we will from now on huh.
Asgath, pm me and I'll get you on msn mesenger with me and Guarnere, I'm sure either of us, or maybe hobbs or RF can help you.