01-10-2002, 06:33 AM
Well, maybe you guys have not realized those black lines when youre in a map? Well, the reason those black lines are there is because the game recognizes the map as a room, the room has a ceiling so if you were to jump it would be from about 200 feet max I would guess, because otherwise the game would reach the ceiling. As all of you know, the game was made from the Quake 3 engine and modified. Quake 3 Arena maps were indoors, so the game always thought that the map was a room, and thats what they did in MOH:AA. If you have opened the pak2.pk3 file, it has environment texture which shows the sky, that is what is pasted on a brush (a brush is a 3D object) and the game would have brushes enclosing the map like a gigantic room, and the inside of these brushes would be textured with the sky texture. So thats why they will most likely not have parachuting in the game. I hope you caught all that, it took me a while to learn that. Its the same with Half-Life and DOD, since all of Half-Life took place in rooms or it was enclosed, except for areas such as the canyon part, in which they used a sky texture.