any ideas on improvement here to be able to host more people?- i have a broadband conntion(1803kbps)download speed
(285kbps))upload speed--512 ram-amd duron processor 750- with a 20gig hard drive--running 95% resourse free---seems i can only take 10 people i figure i can get more somehow----------on a power trip--cod thks
You can try some reg tweaks @, but none of them are garunteed to help that much. You need a better connection to do that man, like at least a T1.
dude what could be better than broadband?--nothin i know of in this area--comcast i belive has taken over from at&t here but i dont know of any faster conntion than what i have in this area-dsl reports speed test download speeds are awesome--but upload seems to be a bit draggy--i dont think dr.tcp would help me there --would a bigger proccesser help?
It would help, but for what you want to do you need a higher upload speed. Contact Comcast and see if you can get a different package with higher uploads speeds. My guess is you can, but for a price.