*cries* nice sig miller, those pictures from Iraq??
Anyways, I don't plan on updating my Direct X until I get a new video card... the last time I downloaded a direct x update, all my games fucked up and all it did was crash.. cry:
I know this thread is older than the macarena, but I hadda ask...
Should I install this thing or not? I have a POS ATI Rage 128 card and my FPS in Spearhead average around 8. Since I "upgraded" to Win2K, the game has been even more unplayable than it was in Win98.
I'm so damn frustrated, I could cry like a 5 year old girl with a skinned knee. cry:
[quote:76539]"DirectX 9.0a was removed because of an incompatibility with ATI Catalyst 03.1 drivers. Catalyst drivers 03.2 were unaffected, Wenzel said. He pointed out that there were still some minor bugs bud did not want to comment any further. If and when DirectX 9.0a will be available remains unclear at the moment.
Catalyst 03.1 drivers are still pretty popular because they perform better and allow Counter-Strike fans to play the game. Catalyst 03.2 introduced a show stopper bug with Counter-Strike."[/quote:76539]