Originally Posted by Static
do we have a biggest n00b award insult pic ? lol
Yeah we do, it looks kind of like beaker from the muppets...oh no wait thats your avatar.
Give the guy a break, obviously he's new look at his join date. Since when was being new a crime? Not even a year ago you where considered a noob here to.
Like Joe said its not like he's lookin FOR cheats he's lookin to STOP cheats.
Thats the kind of noob Id like to have around.
I think the only people here that have never asked a noobish question are the ones that were afraid to because of responses like yours.
BTW, no Im not lookin to start a flame war I just trying to get you to think before you type.
Now then, Compton, are you looking for Anti-Cheats for your computer (there are none) or your server (there are some good ones on
http://www.mohadmin.com like Deadbolt said)?