What about the autoscroll? Does that function still show it's ugly face during games?
Yeah.. Push in the mousewheel on this (Windows Explorer) window.. Now move the mouse up and down.. See how the web page auto scrolls up and down?
Well with that stupid Logitech.. When I pushed the middle button in to jump.. (i always use the middle button for jump).. Well when I pushed the scrollwheel in to jump in MOH with the mx500.. It did that autoscroll crap..
They fix that? Or is yours still auto scrolling?
What happens in MOH... Lets say you bound mousewheelup to reload.. And you bound mousewheeldown to secondaryfire.. And you bound mouse3 to jump.. In MOH with the mx500 if you goto Jump.. Autoscroll would kick in. So now instead of looking up and down when you move the mouse up and down. Instead you reload when you move the mouse up and you do secondaryfire when you move the mouse down. A major problem to say the least.
I'm afaid to try the logitech software since i just got all the buttons working on my 500 2 days ago with the microsoft software. I think I'll keep it the way it is now that it all works. Thanks though.