Yep the original argument was `is lean-binding considered cheating?"
Which the answer was NO but `lean-strafing` (which is different) IS in alot of ladders/leagues.
Also I tried to make clear that lean-binding was not the discussion it was lean-strafing, which is only possible by binding two functions to one key.
I lean-bind because I have a 5 button mouse, and its great, I even lean-bind on old games like Thief2 as it works great with this mouse.
I dont lean-strafe bind though because its not allowed in some ladders like ClanBase, just like binding lean + fire to a single key is not allowed.
I used ClanBase as an example because its a massive online gaming host which supports 10`s of games not just mohaa with over 40 seperate ladders. Its rules cleary state in mohaa that using extra console commands is not allowed in wars.
Im not saying its cheating or not globally just stating rules, thus answering that question. Providing evidence of this in an earlier post backed up my argument, rules are rules!
blah blah cheeeeeeeet cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet lol its happening again biggrin:
[quote="=FM=1st Lt prey":7a58f]I think its lame, its exactly the same as running the `dance` script in my eyes.
Binding two functions to one key allows a player to perform movements which regular players cant, without these binds, it gives an unfair advantage and by definition is cheating cry:[/quote:7a58f]
Exactly!!! I couldnt have said it any better. It makes me woozy watching it in spectator. oOo: I wish everyone would just hone thier skills instead of looking for unfair advantages. This game rocks without them. I HATE LEANERS!
I agree...and furthermore... -
03-28-2003, 06:09 PM
I agree with the general concensus that the leaners area bunch of unskilled fags, and it does give an advantage (fair or unfair is a matter of opinion) because it changes the hit area of the player model and I have heard (but not confirmed) that is makes the hit area smaller as well. I think that anyone who can play worth a shit shouldn't have to use lame ass "binds".
Another thing that is a very big annoyance to me is this realizm bullshit that is going around. In my opinion it's just another way for the unskilled out there to try to gain an advantage. Think about it..most realizm mods make the machine gun and the smg a quick kill in on or 2 hits. Doesn't that basically turn the machine gun and the smg into a rapid fire sniper rifle with no scope? The good part of mohaa is that there are strengths and weaknesses for each weapon, and if you can't learn to use that to your advantage, then you just suck in general. I learned to play mohaa by doing it at lan parties where you don't do gay shit like that or you'll get your ass whipped and then thrown out of the house, and I've gotten pretty damn good at playing real un-fagged-out mohaa. Try as they may, those who try to replace real skill with asshole tweaks are still at the bottom of the list when the map ends...and the ones with the skill are at the top. Differing opinions are welcome...just do it somewhere else...
I enjoy sniping the most and I agree that realism mods certainly lessen the effect of the sniper rifle, but they are far from redundant as anyone who plays against me will tell you through gritted teeth evil:
Realism Objective is the hardest mode as someone STG-whoring combined with camping makes attack nearly impossible. I dont enjoy levels like `V2` in realism because its just impossible for allied to win in this mode against a reasonable opponent.
Realism round/based is alot of fun though, and spend alot of time on these maps biggrin:
Just because EA designed the game to be able to bind keys together doesn't mean that the ability is not being exploited. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter if you do that in a game that I'm playing, because it's just going to make you look really fucking stupid oOo: before I blow your sorry ass away. fire2: It is very rare that I've actually seen someone with some real skill doing the lean-strafe thing...but I have noticed that they are usually at the bottom of the list after each map.
Re: Actually, I don't agree -
04-02-2003, 12:35 PM
[quote="[FAIL]Caleb":d2196]Just because EA designed the game to be able to bind keys together doesn't mean that the ability is not being exploited. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter if you do that in a game that I'm playing, because it's just going to make you look really fucking stupid oOo: before I blow your sorry ass away. fire2: It is very rare that I've actually seen someone with some real skill doing the lean-strafe thing...but I have noticed that they are usually at the bottom of the list after each map.[/quote:d2196]
we should meet then...perhaps when the am server is not locked down..heh
we could do, say, 6 [FAIL] members against 6 people of your choice. We all have full time jobs, so we would have to plan this in advance on a weekend, but it sounds like fun. If your team can take Clan[FAIL] on a good few games, I would definitely have to reassess my views of those who use keybinds....I still think it looks like a really bad dance, though
sure thing. I will find 5 others and then we can figure out the when of it all. Shouldnt take me a day or two and then I will post back here and we can work out the date/time at that point. Game on!