Well, here's an update to the realism mods.
1) There are two versions: the first one has "correct" rate of fire for automatic weapons, based on the actual ROF of each weapon. The second version, with "increased ROF" has all automatic weapons fire faster to give it a more realistic feel in-game (the game engine slows down all fire)
2) The PPSH normally has a 71-round drum fitted into it. I changed this into 70 rounds to be able to get a correct HUD display of the ammo bar. There's also a link to that HUD-correction mod; it's not necessary, but it make things look nicer...
[url=http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9815423/mohaafiles/User%20-%20%5bCIT%5d%20-%20Realism.pk3:13475][CIT] MOHAA realism[/url:13475]
[url=http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9815423/mohaafiles/User%20-%20%5bCIT%5d%20-%20Realism%20-%20increased%20ROF.pk3:13475][CIT] MOHAA realism, increased ROF[/url:13475]
[url=http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9815423/mohaafiles/User%20-%20%5bCIT%5d%20-%20Realism%20-%20MOHSH.pk3:13475][CIT] MOHSH realism[/url:13475]
[url=http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9815423/mohaafiles/User%20-%20%5bCIT%5d%20-%20Realism%20-%20MOHSH%20-%20increased%20ROF.pk3:13475][CIT] MOHSH realism, increased ROF[/url:13475]
[url=http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9815423/mohaafiles/User%20-%20%5bCIT%5d%20-%20MOHSH%20Realism%20HUD%20corretion.pk3:13475][CIT] MOHSH realism HUD correction[/url:13475]
|61st| ArchTool, could you give me the IP of your server? I'll try to stop by some time...
Also, if you have any requests for tweaks to the settings, just mail me at