I posted, this on MOHadmin a while back
http://www.mohadmin.com/nuke/modules.ph ... cle&sid=77
[quote:f7379]I run a fairly popular clan server (Holyland). We run a 24 player game with
the maxrate set at 9000. 6 of the slots are private, but the server averages
20 players. It tends to start off the day with around 6-10 players in the
morning and grows to 18 in the early afternoon, and is full from 4pm to 3am
nearly every day. Last month the server used a total of 124.45 gigs out and
51.61 gigs in for a total bandwidth of 176.06 for the month of
December........that's a little less than 6 gigs of data transferred per day
for that one game server.
Now, not all game servers will us that much, and some may use more, but I
would estimate that a 20 player public server would average between 80-200
gigs per month, depending on how popular your server is and what you maxrate
is set at, etc.