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Default 04-04-2003, 02:54 AM

[quote="ED! Ban #126":4af25][quote="Bazooka_Joe":4af25][quote="ED! Ban #126":4af25]
Originally Posted by ktog3
The funniest thing is Holly does suck evil:
Winters would own him Three-Hundred-And-Forty-Seven-Ways. I'd love to see aM decimate =LLC= or [OTD].

Hell take both clans on at once.[/quote:4af25]

That's because Winter's is actually good. Who gives a shit how many ways he could kill them, when you can't do shit.[/quote:4af25]

Yea I guess HOLLY couldnt do shit against the onslaught that is WINTERS.

And BLEU. Three Words.




That's great, Ed. But if you can't do shit, then shut the fuck up. Does Strik0r have a brother?
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Default 04-04-2003, 03:53 AM

ED I didn't know you were a fan of mine. You seem to know a lot about me. All this talk about your GOD WintersForge, why doesn't he just come on the AAN server? I am not about to go to the aM server to be shotty whored to death. I use bolt action rifles and WF is used to realism...I hate stock. He knows he can come on any time. I don't care what happend when I wasn't there, he got kicked because they suspected him of cheating. So what? He's not banned. And since when have you ever had an ounce of skill to play this game? Why even argue? Just because you were humiliated on the server and no one likes you, doesn't mean you can be an ass to evryone.

Oh, nice scores Judas, I see you still own no one. biggrin:
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Default 04-04-2003, 04:03 AM

Originally Posted by Hollywood
ED I didn't know you were a fan of mine. You seem to know a lot about me. All this talk about your GOD WintersForge, why doesn't he just come on the AAN server? I am not about to go to the aM server to be shotty whored to death. I use bolt action rifles and WF is used to realism...I hate stock. He knows he can come on any time. I don't care what happend when I wasn't there, he got kicked because they suspected him of cheating. So what? He's not banned. And since when have you ever had an ounce of skill to play this game? Why even argue? Just because you were humiliated on the server and no one likes you, doesn't mean you can be an ass to evryone.

Oh, nice scores Judas, I see you still own no one. biggrin:
Cap'N Cocky, right here!
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Default 04-04-2003, 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by Hollywood
Oh, nice scores Judas, I see you still own no one. biggrin:
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Default 04-04-2003, 06:41 AM

Originally Posted by Hollywood
Just because you were humiliated on the server and no one likes you, doesn't mean you can be an ass to evryone.
i like ed and im pretty sure most of aM does too. his humor is always welcome on the aM server.
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geRV is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 07:20 AM

It seems the aan server love to do nothing more than kick people for "cheating". I played on it before and got kicked cause i had sniped 10 guys in about a minute and i consider myself to be average at the game, just having a good run on stalingrad.

Can't quite figure why winters was kicked, everyone knows he's a good player, most likely some asses were being whooped and this wasn't sitting right with the aan crew. eek:

As for ed i always find he can get a laugh outta me, i dunno where this "no-one likes you" bit is coming from.

And hollywood no offense but your above post just plain smacks of arrogance. hake:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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ED! Ban #126 is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 10:53 AM

[quote:ee330]That's great, Ed. But if you can't do shit, then shut the fuck up. Does Strik0r have a brother?[/quote:ee330]

Lol - where you get "ED cant do shit" out of all that is beyond me.

[quote:ee330]And since when have you ever had an ounce of skill to play this game?[/quote:ee330]

LOL - oh man. Can we say, delusional. I knew you could.

[quote:ee330] Why even argue? Just because you were humiliated on the server and no one likes you, doesn't mean you can be an ass to evryone.[/quote:ee330]

I REALLY need to know your definition of "humuliated". If by humiliated you mean "kicked the crap out of the uber-realism relying OTD and LLC kiddies" - then yes...that is what happened. The only good players on that server are Camping-Masters.

And "rifles" - lol. You wouldn't get half the kills you get without that "No-Skill-Realism-Mod" AAN has on the server...but it is cool to know I can hop on at any time, fire my MG wildly, and rack up the kills. Any time I need any MORE of an ego boost ill swing by.
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Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 10:55 AM

Frankly I'm glad you all think that AAN's all about kicking people for cheating. Actually, there hasn't been a single ban against a suspected cheater since we actually caught a close friend cheating (screenshots from his computer proved it and I don't feel the need to give him up to all of you since I'm positive he doesn't cheat anymore). To clear things up, no one on AAN thinks that WF is a cheater. The reason he was suspected of cheating that day is because a.M. thinks it's cool to smurf when they visit our server. All of a.M. has the deepest respect from the members of AAN, so we find it a little insulting when they think it's better to smurf then be friendly.

For the record, Judas, I'm not pissed off at you. I was incredibly pissed about the smurfing issue, but that's long since over and again I extend my invitation to all of a.M. to come to the server. I personally could care less if they own anyone or not. And I think you'll find that most of the players on AAN also feel the same way. Just do them a favor and show your respect by allowing them to know who you are. Smurfing our server is something to be expected from TG members, not the friends we made from the days.

Ed, as for you, I actually un-banned you from the server because I felt that the only thing you were guilty of was being an asshole. But then it occurred to me that anyone else who's as guilty of being an asshole, or even 1/5th of the asshole you are, would find themselves banned. Personally I don't bother playing MOH much anymore because I spent 90% of my game time dealing with punks like you instead of enjoying my time playing the game and having fun.

Tripper, I do believe you've been sleeping over the past year as I've been registered on this forum since early last year. I stopped posting on this forum several months ago because of the rate in which threads would go downhill and the lack of support from this community. When I first came to this forum it was the exact opposite. I personally felt it was a tragedy to see how it turned out.

Gerard, I don't know what happened with you. I remember something about you being kicked several months ago, but if I remember correctly it was by accident as someone else was meant to be kicked in your stead. I don't believe you were banned, so jump back in anytime. I'm sure no one cares.

Oh, and Ed, if you had half a brain, you'd realise that the language issue is something we carried over from the days. It's not about protecting the ears of children, but the overall pointlessness of having to type in swears to begin with. What's the point? I mean, it takes that much more energy to type a swear in then it does to keep it to yourself and it doesn't do anyone any good either way. Do you really need to type your filth in to play better? Well, fuck, I guess we aught to change our ways just for you, Ed.

Also, this entire post was in response to Ed and to see how fast he could turn a good thread into the usual flamefest. Mission accomplished, I'm going home now. You all have fun with your high and mighty ways. God knows no one's as perfect as you guys.
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ED! Ban #126 is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 11:17 AM

Flame fest? Bleah - just started as a friendly bit of ribbing on the part of RUD...excuse me, HOLLY. Then you got your depends all in a bunch about ol ED - I just dont know, when I'm around folks seem so high-strung.

The GREAT thing about being banned from AAN...not having to listen to self-righteous bores go on and on and on and on and ON about "server etitiquette", then seeing several of the members get kicked for "accidental tking".

Uhm. Yea.

It was fun poppin caps in gramps asses though. True dat.

As for cursing, this is the MTV age pops - ChrisRock/ChrisTucker - swearing is part of our UNnatural for us "kids" to stop and actually think to NOT swear. Got no god-damn time for dat shit. Yea. Roll on.
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Default 04-04-2003, 11:47 AM

Well, once again, leave it to the antics of some to turn a completly good thread into trash.

To get off the pissing on each others gameplay topic, AAN has their means of playing MOH (Good clean fun & Realism) and AM has theirs also (Competition & Stock) That is fine, and there's no need to argue over each others methods of play. There are plenty of good players in AM, but there are also worthy opponents in AAN. We're aren't competing about whos better, we're just discussing how things were. I MEAN, FOR CHRISTS SAKE, STRIK0R AND I ACTUALLY PLAYED TOGETHER! biggrin:
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pest is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 11:50 AM

There were some good folks over at AAN, but some of the decision makers' bungholes are so puckered up that they can chew a hole in their seat cushions. It ruined teh atmoshpere.

I miss the days. Owning Ed with the m1 on buzzbomb raiders and getting accused of cheating. Ahh....good times. I had a screenie of it, but lost it when I had to reformat.
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Default 04-04-2003, 11:51 AM

Heheheh, Smurfing is a way of life. All i do is smurf, why? Because its easy for people to steal strats and when TG is always on your ass you can't worry about some fluke that you'll be in the hall of owned. Also when some one sees .|a.M|. in your name they hop in the server asking for challenges and favors.

I've probably formed over 10 smurf clans in the last month. Its twice as fun smurfing. If there is a prob with smurfing then i'm guilty.
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Default 04-04-2003, 12:02 PM

ah yes the good old days of the server. man i miss those..i even miss DOA ...wheres von when ya need him? l

as for the "other discussion" i dont know nor do i wanna know. i have deep respect for both aan and am and they all know it. i play the aan server occasionally too. its good seeing some of the old timers around. i try and try to get into a.m. server but man..i have had the most bad luck getting into that server for months. lol.
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Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by pest
There were some good folks over at AAN, but some of the decision makers' bungholes are so puckered up that they can chew a hole in their seat cushions. It ruined teh atmoshpere.
You got me there. We only run polls and have giant discussions on our forums about how changes are made. We only run these discussions for 2 or 3 weeks before finalizing the results. Guess that makes the entire community pretty tight-assed, no?

But that's why we love it so much. Because there's really no tossed salads in our neck of the woods, eh?

But regardless of what age we're in, Ed, it makes less sense to have to be vulgar with every sentance out of your mouth then it does to actually police the server and Teamspeak for it. Also, I'd like to see half of that language be used in a corporate work place, which is where half of these "kids" will eventually end up. I'd also like to see that sort of language used in the churches that some of these "kids" belong to. Or perhaps that kind of language when they're having a mild conversation with "Mommy" or "Daddy" about the weather. Perhaps the lesson we should all learn is that we should all teach our children that having a good time is impossible without screaming obscenities at your opponent.

Listen, I'm as much of the "truck driver" as any one of you in real life. But that doesn't mean that I think it's a necessary evil to use that same language whenever I type out a conversation with someone. Also doesn't mean that I should go ahead and broadcast my voice over Teamspeak to 5 - 15 people at once saying things like "shit, fuck, damn, you fucking hax0r!!"

Of coarse, I suppose since I stopped watching MTV back when they started programming shows instead of music, then I guess that makes my 28 years seem rather old to you.

Tog, if the only thing you're really concerned with is having people ask you for competition, then just drop your clan tags when you jump on the server. We always will have a deep respect for those friends we had back in the day, but you can't expect to get that same treatment if you're not willing to let us know who you are. How can you expect to have friends if you're not willing to be friendly?
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pest is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by pest
There were some good folks over at AAN, but some of the decision makers' bungholes are so puckered up that they can chew a hole in their seat cushions. It ruined teh atmoshpere.
You got me there. We only run polls and have giant discussions on our forums about how changes are made. We only run these discussions for 2 or 3 weeks before finalizing the results. Guess that makes the entire community pretty tight-assed, no?


The condescending attitude and the nasty tone was all it took to keep me away. I never had a problem with the majority of the members of that community. It is rather amusing that you preach the high road, but all of your posts recently have been strait from the gutter.

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