04-09-2003, 08:32 AM
Actually you can change the weapon's name without making it unusable. I'll show you how I did it with the dynamite.
1. Open up that weapon's hud ammo .urc file in the /ui folder.
2. In the file, it should be the last section, you will see where it has the stat for the current weaponname.
3. Right below where it says Name, put this line :
Title "NewWeaponNameHere"
// might need a colon between, not positive b/c I'm not at home, but just follow the same format that the Name uses.
4. Now below that you will see a line that says ItemStat. Delete that, b/c that is what tells the game what weapon you are using.
5. That should be it. Make sure the hud file is in the /ui folder, and pack that folder into your .pk3 file.
Lemme know if you have any other problems.