all that shit i find so gay, human ladders, roof monkies, going along the rim of the building on the hunt so as to stand on a non existing texture and shjoot peeps who run by
all that stuff is for people who dont understand how to play the game
i think if someone finds a way up on a wall or roof by some sort of way (EXCEPT FOR TELEPORTING!) it would be ok...some might say you cant play the game so you go hide uh...youre just being smart in finding a place that nobody knows of ( you hope ). me myself i just like to play head-on. but i aint got a prob with someone whos up on a roof...i like him up there...easy target to snipe mwah: . i mean cmon you dont think that in WW2 those guys would go thinkin : "hey i can hide up on that roof...but no wait my enemys cant see me up there and that wouldnt be fair to them...i guess ill just run into those 4 germans with my smg..."
hiding in places where you can see them but they cant see you is weak tho...but then again thats my opinion...
He's not talking about a tank as in "an enclosed heavily armed and armored combat vehicle that moves on tracks". It's a storage tank in the bottom floor on the small building between the two bigger buildings.
2 : a usually large receptacle for holding, transporting, or storing liquids (as water or fuel)
newsflash n00b owned by Zoner91, details at 6 and 10 biggrin:
Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
06-09-2003, 12:43 PM
they both stab each other Jason cuts fred's head off and he dies then at the end of the movie Jason contracts aids from having secks with a mongolian tree rabbit and dies