Cool Skin, the boyonet seems a little short, if you like I can send you pic of a real one and any angle (I have a real boyonet, WW1 style) fire1:
i overcome the texture problem. The reason why it kept doing that was because when i downloaded the pk3, winzip automatically added .zip on the end of it, so when i extracted it it must have messed up the textures. If u have winzip, download the file and then once its finished d/l ing delete .zip off the end and voila put it in ur main or mainta folder.
Are there gonna be any animations for this?
LOL, I cant say too much for Issix's character because.....well I;m not gettin into that, But I wouldnt tell him to shut up. Especially since he may know something (and probably does) that you may need to know later on. Glad to see you on this site and not "the other one" Issisx.