so u guyz won veitnam... u guyz must b on drugz... u guyz pulled out... what are you talkin about ... and i'm sry for all the people who died but i could care less. screw em all what about all the french that died... and u guyz say were infidel and we didnt do shit. hey to me a soldier that gets caugh or dies is nutin... same shit happens in iraq u guyz loose 7 soldiers and they make a whole fukin movie about it. u kill 2000 iraqui soldiers and ur happy. they are only obeying orders. and that jessica lynch, that stupid bitch was dumb enuff to get caught. if i was an irqui soldier i woulda shot her ass. dumb bitch...*how much u wanna bet they will make a lifetime movie* u americans are so fukin soft.
Fed up with those stupid posts. I'm French and i agree french government. WAR isn't the only way. I thought american and french people were friends and could forget this !!! A question do you select you friends only if they agree with you ?!?! I don't.
WE DO NOT FORGET WHAT USA DID FOR US IN 1944. Everything in normandie is here to help us not to forget what happened 60 years ago. France was occupied by a foreign country, USA and UK invaded IRAQ, this is not the same. I hate war like french people and we thought there were others possibility to change IRAQ government !!! We can't always have same ideas !!!