<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KillorLive: You're not a police officer.
You're 15 years old, AND you have a dumbas signature, ALSO, Earthlink does NOT release info, PERIOD.
You pay, you get privacy.
No matter what.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Until the law comes asking them for info. They and AOL gave up tons of info to the feds after 9/11. If there's a warrant, they'll release your info. PERIOD.
Earthlink hasn't done anything to computer warez.
They HOST it.
The only compromise of security is supposed conspiracy against the USA.
Otherwise Earthlink doesn't release info.
It's in their tos ya dumbass.
Want my 2 cents? 1 either you are a lier or a dirty cop. Everyone here knows you have mp3's on you hd or something else you didn't pay for. One of the most pirated things is the windows OS for gods sakes.
My ISP has been contacted a couple of times from the Motion Picture Association. Don't know there real name off hand, been awhile. They were ordered to cut off service. Hehe they did but gave my friends new accounts, and told them to be more carefull.
On another note, stop trying to scare people. If they take the time to dl a WAREZed copy they know what they are doing anyways.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KillorLive: Ehhh...WRONG.
Earthlink hasn't done anything to computer warez.
They HOST it.
The only compromise of security is supposed conspiracy against the USA.
Otherwise Earthlink doesn't release info.
It's in their tos ya dumbass.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
wow, resorting to namecalling...how mature of you.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Miller: Thats virtually impossible. For those who have dail-up most ISP's change their IP's everyweek, and if they have an external modem they can shut it off or just unplug the phone line.
If you have dial-up, your IP changes everytime you log on.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lt_Col_Tall: wow, resorting to namecalling...how mature of you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Name calling?
I call it fact producing.
You're a dumbass.
Earthlink's terms of serivce states that you have utter and complete privacy except in conspiracy against the state.
So, I reiterate, ya dumbass.
Police officer, bah.
Encryption, bah.
It is illegal for ANY software to send ANY information to back to any company without your permission.
Yeah, yeah, spyware I know, but it's not used legally, is it kids? No.
Cool eagle sig by the way.
'The Saltiest baby, The Saltiest'.
Just for info to anyone who has downloaded the pirate version, EA has an encryption that contacts EA with your IP address when this game is in use. They simply contact your ISP, get your info, and then can file charges. Have fun playing .......
It is true Manny, though Bytor has a point Firewall could probably detect the info trying to be sent. We shall see...Is it really worth it to get the game 12 days early if their encryption works? I think not )