Can Some one make a lee enfield sniper to replace the UK Springfield the Lee Enfield is the more historicly accurate.[img][/img]
sniper let me know if you get someone to do it, shouldnt be too hard just add a scope onto the lee enfield. that would be pretty awesome now i think about it. If anyone does it email it to me at
The Enfield in SH isnt accurate... it reloads from the top when in reality it reloaded on the bottom, as seen in his pic. I made the same post about the British Enfield with the scope a while ago, and you could actually understand what i was saying lol. If you are going to request, use correct english. if anyone needs info about the weapon id be willing to help... check out my post about the bren gun, the brits need some diversity for SH!
The Enfield in SH isnt accurate... it reloads from the top when in reality it reloaded on the bottom, as seen in his pic. I made the same post about the British Enfield with the scope a while ago, and you could actually understand what i was saying lol. If you are going to request, use correct english. if anyone needs info about the weapon id be willing to help... check out my post about the bren gun, the brits need some diversity for SH!
....There's no magazine in the Enfield, it was reloaded from the top with stripper clips.
Actually it did have a clip that loaded from the bottom. the ones with the strip clips were in the earlier models closer to the end of WW1. In the middle of WW2 the started to manufacture them with case clips, like the one i posted above. next time do your research before you post. it just might help ya
What are you talking about? In Spearhead the Lee Enfield rifle reloads from the top with stripper clips... In WWII the Lee Enfield reloaded from the bottom with a single clip... get it?
Actually it did have a clip that loaded from the bottom. the ones with the strip clips were in the earlier models closer to the end of WW1. In the middle of WW2 the started to manufacture them with case clips, like the one i posted above. next time do your research before you post. it just might help ya