Im looking for a mod that will take the black border of the axis stock scopes or any information on how to get rid of it if its possible or not. Any information will greatly be appreciated. If you think you can help then feel please to email me at
Thank You
You mean take the black away? That's a cheat. If you can see someone farther to your left or right than with the original scope, and someone else has the stock scope, who you think's gonna get shot? oOo:
its not really a the hell does it help you? wow you can see more, and you still have to move over to get the dude in ur scope so it aint really a cheat. but w/e u say
I agree, i really dont care, one way or another i will get my scope.If your gonna talk about how its unfair then dont reply . I was asking for help. Otherwise you comment lands in my recycle bin.
Remove the mask (as in: make it completely transparant); put the stuff in a .pk3 and you should be fine.
I personally don't consider this a real cheat since the advantage is minimal at best (If I have the choice: Cheat, yes or no, I will choose yes though). I think you should not use it in multiplayer. If you plan on using it anyway, bind lean and strafe to the same key as well. Otherwise you won't be a complete arse, will you.
If one of the moderators thinks of this mod as a cheat, you can delete the post. I personally don't think it is a big deal.