I need help... PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! -
04-19-2003, 02:38 AM
I can't figure out how to make a dedicated F****** server oOo: ! Please help me out. I tried the Tutorial at alliedassault.com, but I didn't get it. Cuz it didn't seem to work. Can someone please explain it to me how to do it step y step. I'm not so good with the commands. I really wanna host my own games. So please help me!!!
You can just host a non-dedicated server. But if you do dedicated, I highly suggest you make sure you have a good connection speed (Upload speed more than 300kbps), and a fast PC.
I have a real good connection Speed. I just wanna know how to do it damnit. Can someone please help me out, showing me step by step, or a site that does? I don't really get the one at alliedassault.com.
"Start by making a copy of your MOHAA game shortcut.
Right-click the shortcut and go into it’s PROPERTIES. Then add the proper variables into the TARGET: box ( or command line) AFTER and OUTSIDE of the quotes that surround your PATH (this is important !). Also be sure to have a space BEFORE the first variable after the quotes, and at the end of each following variable."
What in the hell does the underlined part mean. Also....
My comp can never detect the underlined part... Are there supposed to be numbers instead of the 2 X's or what? If so, what numbers am I supposed to put in plzce of the X's???
Re: I need help... PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! -
04-19-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by InsaneGamerz
I can't figure out how to make a dedicated F****** server oOo: ! Please help me out. I tried the Tutorial at alliedassault.com, but I didn't get it. Cuz it didn't seem to work. Can someone please explain it to me how to do it step y step. I'm not so good with the commands. I really wanna host my own games. So please help me!!!