Wow u guys im really getting impatient. I was wondersing all there custom guns have a problem with the COLORS. Did you guys test it on other computes. [The problem is that they get pink-yellow-grey. (Looks Really bad to.)] oOo:
how about you do it fuck face, its not counter strike by the way, so there...and good luck finding some help when you need it...ill remember this hake:
dude whoa i didnt mean it like that! you got some cool mods dude you are cool but did you model that it looks CS. sorry if i offended you and no i admit i couldt do it. i just thought you imported it cause other guys said you did man im sorry. =((
well it just gets to me when people harp on me about the guns...when i take the time out of my life to make these things...the only reason is they arent done...and i dont want people to have half ass material (im a perfectionist)...i mean, i released the luger and the bayonet... oOo: if anyone is REALLY talented with either models or tiks...get a hold of me and we'll work on some models... cool:
hey man your a real good guy=) forgive me i got you wrong k i use your luger and you were actually the first to come out with a working in game bayonet for DL.wich i use
Guarnere, I've been lurkin around these boards the past few weeks, never really said much until recently, but I want you to know that I love your work. I just started getting into modding so I'm in the basics right now (posters, crosshairs/scopes, grenades, compasses) but I hope I can work my way up to the stuff you've been doin happy: Hope you release your M4, I love it, it'd be great to use biggrin: See ya around.
[quote:3120a]sorry gaunere you dont rock but the people who made counter strike and made those models rock. you just madem into moh format. [/quote:3120a]
ok 1st thing
guarnere is teh bomb you will never come close to his skill no one will
2nd you dont just take the cs model and bam its a moh model still alot of work to be dont guarnere take time out of his life to improve this community