Clan skin request- pics included -
04-22-2003, 07:41 PM
im thinking about starting a clan, but i wanna have shit ready before i get to it. the skin im asking for is an allied skin, which guarnere made, its in his *ANOTHER NEW SKIN* post that got locked. Here are the patches (diamond shaped) and decal (circle and bars) i need on the skin:
its a little blurred, so trimming the outside of the patches is probably what youll need to do
this is the pic of guarnere's soldier skin i want to use, guarnere- you should be able to do this pretty easily if you chose to make it for me...
thx if someone makes it, and if anyone is interested in helping me start or run the clan, id be happy have you aboard...
I would like to help you start a clan after all, ive been trying to start a clan but had no sucess so far. My msn is my emai lis lets keep in touch and we clan plan out ideas oh and i have more ideas for the skins for the clan
sorry man i dont like AIM we will just contact eachother through via email i guess email me with all the detials once i get your response, ill tell you my ideas ok?