lol Yes i'm angry cuz I can't make skins ... *sigh*
I'm not even angry.. i'm just stating a fact!!! the textures were not made by guarnere! That's all ! Not calling him a bad modder... just calling him a liar biggrin: and a deciever.
[quote:28405]Himmler Nice model...Guav stfu[/quote:28405] it's GAUV!!!!!!!!!!! for christ sakes... G-A-U-V It's not the first time I seen that mistake! C'mon people it only has 4 f*ckin letters!!!
If you're so sure he ripped it off, exactly what game or pic did he rip it from? You seem to be an expert skinner, so we need your expert guidance here.
Oh and it's the German Africa Private texture ... go see for yourselves.. it's not an accurate airborne skin.. but I doubt accuracy was the goal. He just changed the colour and what not.