So I gave the Omaha map another try today and I played Axis with 24 player.
I gave it 5 min and then I was ready to smash my monitor to pices.
The map should have the name the "The big Allied sniping beach party"
The only way to make this map FUN, is to remove the sniper rifel or limit it to 1 or 2 for each team.
Is there away to do so then please help me out with that one??????????
If you all want that good figth assult map,
leave your sniper rifel at home.
Sand castel building on the beach is for children!
It must be possible to create a mod to remove the sniper rifle because just today someone released a mod that gets rid of the shotgun so it's probably possible to create a mod to remove the sniper rifle.
Also, no one can call in airstrikes in the omaha map. There is artillery fire that always hits the beach where the craters are but you can't control that and there's a shitload of land mines so watch out. But one good thing is that there is respawn so if you thought the hunt sucked when you had to wait for the end of the round, omaha isn't like that!