<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bytor-UK-:
As far as i am aware ..... in the demo you have to blast a Tank with the bazooka about 5 times before it blows up....every time you hit it a message comes up indicating that the Tanks health (sic!) has decreased by 20%.
In fact is mission 5 not the demo mission...think i read that somewhere ??
But m8..... keep your comments off this board until the full game comes out.... only thing worse than pirates is peeps talking about there pirate game.

Actually, mission 4 is the demo, I think.
On mission 5, you start in a raining village filled with enemy snipers. The objective is to locate the bazooka team and get to the town hall. Well, I got the bazooka and blew through the town gates. once I'm past there it loaded the next level, and I was supposed to locate the tank team. When I do so, the Panzer tank starts heading toward the building I'm in along with a buttload of enemy souldiers. No matter I do, the tank won't die (the next objective is to destroy it). I have tried bazooka'ing it, but the health percentage message doesn't appear like it did in the earlier mission. I tried jumping on top of it but that didn't do anything. Grenades were useless, and sniping its tires didn't help either.
**End spoiler!**
Sorry for "talking" the game, but I did put clear spoiler warnings around my messages.
[This message has been edited by LS_Gold (edited January 15, 2002).]