is it just me or is it really annoying when people use voice commands over and over again or just to hear the phrase? The commands should be used for actuall communication of the team
Any thoughts?
The sad that we have to hope that someone makes a mod to address this...why cant the people writing this game to begin with MAKE IT RIGHT...who tests these damn games in the first place? I am yet to see a game released that has decent beta testers who know what to change before release.
Ok...I'm over it.
------------------ "Especially when youre trying to lure more people into your f**king sick cult. I cna't beleive you sick peices of s**t are still alive, you should be sentanced to death. My god, having a clan that embraces murder and rape? You're the people that give gaming a bad name." - KoshiVISIT GF CLAN SITE EDITED FOR COWARDS
I, too, think it's very annoying.
It has been a problem in other games (such as Wolfenstein) for a long time. Does EA or 2015 play other people's games? I think not.
good god I hope so,I occasionally play RTCW online and I ahve HAD IT with people yelling MEDIC,MEDIC,MEDIC for like 10 mins.oooooo that gives me the red ass!!!! You know what ELSE gives me the red ass??? under my ass...........LMAO